Friday 10 October 2014

Savannah Wedding - Friday Pics

Started with blueberry pancakes at Jim and Kris's ... then  a long drive to Jasper. For dinner we went out for Pizza in downtown Jasper  and finished in the bar downstairs at the hotel. And I had the pleasure of meeting Charles's mum and dad and two aunts and their husbands ... hey they are from down east so they have to be great people and they absolutely love Savannah.

Jim Cooking blueberry pancakes .... yum!!

The baby in the Barrow family ... Dustin and Moorea's little girl ... Arwen.

Spencer with Arwen ... she doesn't want anything to do with him.

Dustin and Spencer

Dustin and Moorea

Ron and Destinee and the picture below also includes Lloyd 

Nancy with Elva

In the car and ready to go to Jasper ... Destinee and Kris in the front seat and Elva and Kerry in the back ... Kerry is the picture below

Lunch break on the way to Jasper ... Kerry, Ron, Elva and Jim

Every one but me and Ron ... Jim, Elva, Lloyd, Nancy, Kerry, Destinee and Kris

Once you are in Jasper park all wildlife is protected so there are a ton of animals many of which you can see on the side of the road .... especially the Elk which I captured with this picture
Charles's sister from Cape Breton ... not sure who the guy is ... NOT her husband who had to stay home and take care of their baby ...

The best man and his wife
Charles's mom in the middle with her sisters ... they live quite far apart in Atlantic Canada so rarely get together as a group ... so this wedding is quite special ... a rare time to spend some moments with each other
Charles's dad in the middle with the husbands of the sisters above.
At the pizza place for dinner in Jasper ... now do you think Savannah is having a good time?

My personal favourite picture from the day ... Kris and Destinee at the Pizza parlour ... Don't they take a great picture!!!
Charles with his sister and Savannah
If you know the Barrows you will find that people just keep popping up out of nowhere ... at the house on Thursday night there was a revolving door of visitors all of which immediately make themselves at home .. now we are at Jasper and people keep showing up ... I have no idea who most of them are but they are having a good time.

Savannah with her aunt Lori from Calgary

Blayne Barrow ... now studying in Vancouver to be an engineer ... good looking dude but then aren't all our relatives good looking?

Once in a while I include a picture of myself

Cole with Jayden ... Cole has been hanging around the Barrows for years ... seems to always be at their house when I visit 
Vaughn ... one of the host of good friends the Barrow's have back in Edmonton
Darren ... a childhood friend of Jim's ... he takes a great picture as well.
Mark ( Lori's husband ) 
The kids grow up fast .. this is Maddy's boyfriend ... it wasn't that long ago that she was the curly haired little one in the family

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