Tuesday 21 August 2012

Stonehouse Garden pictures

I am over run with tomatoes ... bushels and bushels of tomatoes. I made every mistake possible with this garden and next year it will be radically different but we are enjoying the harvest .... Bun ... plan on fresh corn everyday when you visit on the long weekend. I've always wanted to get a pot of water boiling and then run out and pick the corn to eat. Indeed I read somewhere that the corn patch needs to be uphill from the pot so that you are running downhill to get to it quickly after you pick the corn. I estimate it will take about 30 to 60 seconds to pick the corn and get it into the pot .... I can't wait.

And Laura and Nadia spent two days picking tomatoes and canning last weekend and this was only the first harvest. The big harvest(s) is still to come since I started the garden about a month or two late. The larger tomatoes are just starting to ripen and I have 128 plants to harvest ... "BE AFRAID"

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