Tuesday 3 May 2011

BBQ Boys - Part II - Friends

In my previous blog on the BBQ boys I only posted our annual picture of the four of us going back to 1994. A lot of positive comments but our annual get together is more than just the four of us it has included many of our best friends. When ever possible we have tried to include others in our annual get together and indeed the group has grown a little in dimension. I believe Lorenzo and Linda started this when they invited Mumbo ( Al Deshield ) to our get together in year two of the events. I had Penny (Williams at the time) and Nick and Gwen Nowitski in year three and others have joined in here and there. The most notable has been the regular inclusion of Don and Trudy Abash who seem to come every year or almost every year. Other notables include Blair Allen and Barb Thibert on occasion. I'm likely missing others and I apologize if I have ... and now that Gary and Penny are back together they obviously come together and have made both the last two events at Peter's. From my perspective there isn't any fundamental reason to be exclusive to the four of us but that being said we also didn't want to turn this into an annual 're-union' so we have kept guests muted to a degree to keep it from getting out of control.

I'm posting today some of the "OTHER" pictures from our annual get together over the years. There are some good ones so enjoy. Our photography skills ( closely related to budgets to buy better equipment ) were not as honed as today so some of these pictures lack the quality I demand today. But enjoy them anyway.

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