Monday 26 November 2012

Dustin and Moorea's Wedding - Day 2

Ron with Donna

Destinee with Donna

Destinee with Nancy

Nancy and Lloyd


Jenna ... our favourite maid of honour

Collin - Mark and Lori's youngest son


Moorea with a smile this time ... much better

Kerry with Elva ( Kris's sister and mother )

Dustin with the photographers ...

Gavin with his aunt from Oregon ... Mikell Laasko - I believe this is Moorea's mom's sister

The bride's mom ( Maggie Thomas ) with Gavin

Donna and Kris in their arobic's class

Donna in the pool

Kris in the Pool

Destinee enjoying the sun ... likewise below

James and brother Ron in the pool

My favourite picture of Donna ... so far



Donna ... doesn't she look good

A beached whale they found in the pool

Kevin and Tracy Benson


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