Monday 25 April 2011

Easter at Denis and Janice's - 2011 - Part I

It's becoming a family tradition. Easter was at Denis and Janice's again this year and it was spectacular. Great company, lots of fun, tasty morsels for appetizers and a delicious dinner. Who could ask for anything more? Oh and one or maybe closer to a dozen bottles of wine ... a dent in Denis's wine cellar if I do say so myself. We also had the neighbours ... George and Elaine ... over for most of the day and they actually seemed to enjoy themselves.

Put it down for next year .. this is becoming a  can't miss event.

I'm going to post multiple parts to this in order to break it up a little. I also haven't processed all the pictures yet so by posting a little now everyone can see at least a few pictures while I get more together over the next few day.


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