Saturday 20 September 2014

Dunphy Wedding - Mostly the Guests

We attended Andrew and Albena's Wedding on Friday and I have to say without hesitation that it was one of the best weddings we've ever attended. I love to shoot weddings but don' like to get in the way of the 'official' photographer. In addition, everyone shoots pictures of the bride and groom ... I do as well but limit those pictures and instead focus on the "GUESTS" at the wedding. 

Following are my pictures ...

And I encourage you to send this blog address to others who may be interested ... just tell your friends to google "DesRosiers Family Blog" and go to the Dunphy wedding page.

If you want a copy of these photos send your address to and I'll MAIL you a CD. They are way too big to e-mail and you get much better quality from a CD.