Monday 22 October 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

I moved from Windsor in 1974 and never once was I able to host a family event at Christmas, Easter or Thanksgiving since it was impossible to get people to come all the way to Toronto. Now that I have my place in St. Marys I was able to host Thanksgiving this year. We had 17 for dinner on Saturday ... a good old fashion barbecue ... and 23 for dinner on Thanksgiving Sunday. One of the things we tried was to have dishes that were unique to the occacion ... not every one was but enough were that it was entirely different than previous dinners with whoever hosted them. The highlight was actually barbecueing the turkey. Vicky Pritchard arranged for a fresh turkey from a neighbour which we picked up on the Saturday and we found a recipe for the barbecue. It was a little scary and the side where the wind hit the barbecue wasn't quite cooked but all in all it was one of the best juiciest turkeys we've ever enjoyed. Thanks to all the cooks.

We set up the two picnic tables and two other tables in the barn and had one long table to sit everyone. I also pulled what is classicly called a "Dennis DesRosiers" and decorated the barn with all kinds of good stuff ... pumkins, gourds, smelly candles etc. and even invested in about 20 placemats with a turkey motive. And Bun brought some big maple leaf placemats as well so we ended up with a wonderful table. Martha Stewart would be proud. I used a couple of small heaters to keep the place cozy and although it was a little cold once the sun went down we had a grand old time on both days.

Ashlee brought two friends from the University of Waterloo and they were a delight. A good time by all ... maybe again next year??

Following are some pictures. I didn't take a lot and others haven't sent me any to compliment the one's I took but here is what I have so far. When ( and if ) others arrive I'll post them.  I loved the picture above with Laura and Justin ... two farmers if I ever saw one!!! Do you realize how hard it is to take a picture and get whoever is in it NOT to smile ???? Thanks to all who co-operated.
